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Showing posts from May, 2020

Shocking results of curd facial at Home.Must try

Curd often called Dahi, it is a staple of Indian cooking. It is made by using an edible acetic product, such as vinegar and lemon juice, to curdle milk. For years, people have also told that he stands as a facial mask, claiming its powers for Moisturising Preventing acne Soothing sunburn Lightening dark circles Tightening pores Minimising signs of premature aging Evening skin tone. Main proponents of natural healing and natural cosmetics suggest using curd as a face mask. They often suggest mixing the cured with other natural ingredients that have healing and restorative properties.   How to use curd on face 1. Curd and cucumber, used once weekly for all skin types. 2. Curd and tomato,used once weekly.3. Curd and turmeric,used once weekly for all skin types. 4. Curd and potato,used twice weekly for all skin types. 5. Curd and honey,used once for normal to dry skin. 6. Curd and besan for normal to oily skin. 7. Curd and lemon for normal to oily skin. 8. Curd and oats for normal to oily

Unbelievable results of potato juice on face

Potato juice work as a skin whitening agent. It helps reduce dark circles. It can also be used to soft and nail cuticles. For those who believe in the power of natural ingredients, the glocal grocery store comes as a boon. Indigenous rule and vegetables can not only adzync to our everyday Milk but also create effective, easy remedies for the most common health and beauty bol take potatoes, for example these Tanki tubers are probably one of the most popular ingredients in the world. Benefits of potato face pack 1. It helps you get rid of ugly spots, marks and blemishes.  2. Reduces inflammation caused by bruises, rashes and ulcers. 3.Helps reduces puffy eyes. 4.Delays the signs of aging. 5. Contains antioxidants that protect your skin from environmental damage caused by pollution and exposure to the sun. Potato beauty tips Depuffer and dark circle remover .potato is a safe and natural way to brighten up dark circles keep some potato slices in the fridge and pop them over your eyes for i

Glowing and clear skin in just 1 rs

Benefits of coffee mask for skin Coffee is known to increase blood circulation, something which is extremely beneficial for our skin. People buy varieties of oil and serum to increase blood circulation of the facial skin and if the same effect comes from something so simple and cheap, what better deal can you grab? Also the antioxidants coffee for the benefit your skin. Honey tightens the skin and imparts healthy glow when used regularly. Honey is something my mother vouches for. You should definitely try it. You can feel the smoothness in your skin after using this mask made of coffee. 1.For dry skin Take 1 to 2 teaspoon coffee, mix olive oil or coconut oil whichever you likes . mix it well, apply and let it dry. After it becomes dry, massage your face in a circular motion and then.Now wash your face and pat dry.Apply your favourite moisturizer. 2.  For normal-oily skin Take coffee 1 to 2 teaspoon add honey and lemon juice. Apply it on your face and let it dry. If you don't want t

Shocking results in Just 5 minutes, Pedicure at home

Pedicure in 3 steps 1. Saoking Put one tablespoon of baking soda and one glass of milk in a bucket of water. Mix well and soak your feet in this water. Now take out your legs after 2 minutes and Scrub your foot using a foot scrubber. Soaking makes your skin loose so help in removing dead skin cells easily. Milks lactic acid helps in loosening of dead skin cells. Baking soda is antibacterial in nature and also works as a mild exfoliant fullstop again dip your legs in solution to remove dead skin cells and now we will do scrub. 2. Scrub Take two tablespoon of grounded rice add honey and also add milk 2-3 tablespoon. Make a thick paste out of it. Now start scrubbing with it. Rice soothes sunburn  and also helps in remove tanning. Honey is antioxidant and also moisturize our skin. Which makes your skin glowy. Now wash your legs.Pat dry your feet. 3. Moisturization Just need a body lotion and mix olive oil in it. You can also add coconut oil or almond oil. Apply it and massage till it get p

Tomato facial for skin lightening, brightening and tan removal

Tomato has vitamin A and Vitamin C. Tomato has brightening agents and it also act as a natural sunscreen. 1.  Cleanse Take one tomato, grinde it in a mixer and make a paste out of it , collect it in a bowl. Clean your face by this tomato pulp . Tomato has brightening agents that will help your skin to lighten and brighten. Massage your face with tomato pulp for 1 minute. If you have problems like open pores, acne, dull skin, this tomato facial will help to cure it. 2. Steaming Boil water and dip cotton cloth in the boiled water, take it out and squeeze it properly and then apply it on your face for 2 minutes. 3. Scrub Take one tablespoon sugar grinde it to  powder. Cut one tomato into half and then apply some powdered sugar to it. And Scrub it for 2 to 3 minutes.This will also help to remove sun tan.  4.Massage and mask  1 to2 tablespoon gram flour or besan and add tomato pulp in it . Also you can add coffee and honey in it. If you have dry skin you can add Honey or if you have oily sk


1.SOCIAL Never know What exercise to do? want to exercise but don't have much time in between online lessons? Look no further than social media. Instagram is currently awash with home workout. They are so many to choose  from our personal favourite Sporting stars to personal trainers. They are mainly short sharp workout and looking at the hashtag cater for a huge variety of fitness level from entry all the way up to hard cardio workouts. 2. ACTIVE HOUSEWORK: Cleaning the windows, gardening, cleaning the whole flat can be the equivalent of a 5 mile run. 3. TV WORKOUTS Back to the 80s and 90s with some good old fashioned workouts in front of the TV. Exercise ledclasses in front of the box are still a great thing. From good old school keep fit routines  to yoga or Zumba, there are loads to choose from. While you are there order a sweatband and leg warmers to wear during your workout for the authentic 80s look.  4.GET APP TASTIC In these thoroughlyM Times ,of course there is an app for

How to remove dark circles permanently

Dark circles has become a very common problem nowadays. Sleep between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Reasons for dark circles: 1. Lack of sleep and fatigue 2. Poor nutrition and salty food , add fruits and green vegetables in your diet. 3. Excessive screen time , rest your eyes every 30 minutes for 2 minutes. 4.Dehydration, drink plenty of water. 5.Rubbing the eyes.  6. Excessive exposure to UV rays, wear sunglasses. 7.Smoking 8.Nasal congestion 9.Air pollution 10.stress anger anxiety  Remedies to cure dark circles 1. take a stone Pata board, add water 2-3 drops and rub inknut(haritaki).Apply it around your eyes using ring finger. You can buy inknut (haritaki) from your nearest provision Store. 2. Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one with one half teaspoon of lemon juice. Gently apply this and allow it to to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse  it off with water. 3. you can also apply cucumber and tomato juice under your eyes using eye pads to reduce your under eye dark circles. You can also use p

20 things to do in lockdown

  1.Clean and tidy  2. Workout  3.learn tik tok dances  4.learn cooking  5.Skincare  6. Proper sleep 6-8 hours a day  7.Follow lockdown rules  8. Cook your favourite food  9 Yoga  10.Watch your favourite movies  11.Listen songs  12.Exercise dance tutorials  14.Water houseplants 15.stay home stay safe  16. Read books  17. Play indoor games  18. Make your bucket list that u want to do after lockdown  19. Drink lots of water    20. Learn anything on youtube